I was struck yesterday by one of my followers writing me that one boat he saw in one of my stories is very similar to another already built and there fore ugly. I don’t agree. Under 24-meter boats are mainly divided into categories. Until 2000, power boats in the 15-24 meter range were mainly divided between […]

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NEW YouTube Shorts by #theluxuryyachtlady

Yesterday night I was invited to attend a V.I.P. only Riva party! The event was hosted by Nautica CASAROLA exclusive dealer for Italy of the RIVA brand. RANGE ROVER Italia that is partner of Ferretti Group participated providing land transportation for the guests. The location was the L’Isolotto Beach Club in Porto Ercole Argentario a […]

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NEW YouTube Shorts by #theluxuryyachtlady

Engines for full displacement yachts Do you know that full displacement yacht usually install big derated engines and sometimes those engine are coming out of the commercial lineup of the engine maker. Basically they install a big engine but tune it in such a way that it gives less power the process is called derating. […]

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NEW YouTube Shorts by #theluxuryyachtlady

🔋The young engineers from all over the world in rappresentation of their university present their innovations in an open source format and prototyng new solutions for sustainable propulsion. 👷‍♀️👷E1 series has a great project: select male and female engineers among the one at the event to be the performance engineer of the team have chance […]

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E1: I’m in love with this project. The foiling electric boat is a real revolution. There is no comparison with the past.. this is something completely new. The electric engine permits an incredible power allowing the racebird to achieve amazing performances making the race incredibly spectacular. The extensively engineered foiling ultra light hull is another […]

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NEW YouTube Shorts by #theluxuryyachtlady

✨This Magnum 38 was completely rebuilt. Maintaining only the hull of the original boat. ✍️ Exterior design and layout by Tommaso Spadolini with naval architecture by Umberto Tagliavini of Marine Design in collaboration with Benedetta Iovane. 💨 The twin new 500 hp Caterpillar and Top System surface drive allow the boat to easily cruise over […]

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NEW YouTube Shorts by #theluxuryyachtlady

RIVA 102 CORSARO SUPER Yacht Recensione Esterni e Interni by #THELUXURYYACHTLADY ✨RIVA 102 CORSARO SUPER è la nuova ammiraglia del cantiere italiano Riva. 🍾 Consegnato nel 2022. ✍️ Esterni e Interni progettati da Officina Italiana Design. 🤩 Originalità e classe ineguagliabili caratterizzano il nuovo capolavoro della gamma flybridge. Colpisce subito il completo ridisegno della zona di […]

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A missed opportunity from the New York Times I went trough the article below titled: The Superyachts of Billionaires Are Starting to Look a Lot Like Theft – The New York Times Such a pity that in this article there is nothing about what the yachting industry is doing to reduce it’s carbon footprint. Yacht […]

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