Love this interview with an eye opening insight on the life of Alberto Galassi, CEO of Ferretti Group and how RIVA at the beginning and Ferretti later where a constant part of his life. He did an amazing job in completely reshaping the Ferretti Group.
But there is a part of the article that I liked the most: At the end the article he focusses on the usage of yacht after Covid saying that it is increased a lot. My view on this is the following: Yachts today are used 120/140 days a year some of them doing the season in the Med during the summer and Caribs or Gulf area (altrough the recent Huothi attack reduced this pattern quite a lot) during the winter. I agree as Alberto underlined that this has a lot to do with the new mindset of the Uber reach generation but I think that there is also another trigger to this: communication!
Today thanks to low moving satellite technology like Starlink (and many others are following) it is possible to have a good Internet connection also at sea. The truth is that the new internet connection has reduced terribly the latency and increased the speed of the connection. Yacht owner today and business in general never sleeps and compared to 30 years ago you would never be able to take a vacation if you had to live without internet. Sometime people complain about the cost of the connection but if you compare the rate fo Starlink to a decent VSAT plan (which was the only technology available till few years back) it’s less then 10%-20% of that rate and the internet works way better.

#ferrettigroup #uberrich #albertogalassi #rivayacht #communication

See the linkedin post here:
