ZF POD 4600 The first product that impressed me at METSTRADE is the new pod by ZF PADOVA S.R.L. . We are talking about a pod very similar to the one we have seen on CruisingVessel but was designed for the YachtingIndustry. The target of this model is for Yachts in the 20-30 m range with a planning or semiplanninghull. The transmission allows to save about 22% compared to standard shaft and propeller transmission. The two counter rotating propellers not only add efficiency to the system but they also allow to use of smaller propellers there fore reducing the draft. Obviusely the fact that the pod rotate allow a much better way to manouver the yacht. The boat will infact be able to move also transversally. The propellers are in the back of the pod giving a big advantage for several reason but the main one are: the bulbous of the pod protects the propellers from hitting submerged object like a floating tree or anything which could potentially damage the blade and the flow of water to the blade holding the pod is without turbolence there fore allowing better efficiency and less turbolence. The system has also an integrated exhaustgas system right on top of the propellers. The system connects directly to the engine because the gearbox is inside the system itself (another added benefit in fact obviously the pod is heavy but the weight is partially offset by the shaft and the reductor/gearbox). The new transmission is also suitable for hybrid applications. Today the system is already used on a Azimut Grande 26m of the Azimut|Benetti Group where the pod connected to a MAN Energy Solutionsof 1650 hp proved it’s efficiency by reducing the consumption by more then 20%. The system can work with engines up to 1600 hp. The real difference between this system and the pods we see on cruising vessels is that cruising vessels pod have the electric motor in the pod under the hull so you provide electricity on the top part of the pod and that will allow the electric motor to rotate the propellers. The ZF pod is a transmission: the power is transmitted from the engine (electric or endothermic) to the pod trough a shaft inside the yacht and the shaft is mechanically connected to the propellers trough some special shaft enclosed in the prop.